Dr. Erich Schröder

Arzt und Buchautor

Dr. Erich Schröder

Ein Buch für: Individual travelers, adventurers, faraway dreamers, South America fans

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(Direkt vom Verlag BOD)

The Book

The author, engineer, physician, journalist, life artist and frequent traveler, reports in many small episodes about his experiences from numerous journeys to South America - and again and again about encounters with the people there and with other travelers.

South America - fascinating landscapes and magical places of ancient cultures, hot rhythms and worn panpipe sounds, parrots, howler monkeys and alpacas, simple meals, and gourmet cuisine - and above all proud and lovable people. His travels have taken the author to the snow-covered peaks of the Andes, through the jungle of the Amazon region, along the deserts of the Pacific coast and into picturesque places, dreamy small towns and megacities. And mostly especially to Peru.

This book is a declaration of love to a country and a continent.

And more than that. The partly funny and partly thoughtful episodes also show the diversity of travel and give an idea of the value of travel for one's own education, tolerance and life experience.


It is the small and large and mostly unexpected experiences, episodes and encounters that make travel so exciting, make adventures possible and allow them to be experienced, and which will be remembered. Such experiences from about 15 South American journeys compiled from memory and supplemented with some information about the country, let the reader become a travel companion and provide him with information that he will not find in any travel guide. The first trip without any knowledge of the national language, a robbery, the loneliness of the person travelling alone, a lecture tour across the continent, which was only allowed with hand luggage, an anaconda flicking at the boot, falling rocks and danger of falling downhill in a jeep on a gravel road at 5,000 m altitude - and so much more. And always encounters with the people in the country and with other travelers. And finally, a wonderful friendship that began on Machu Picchu and - following a myth - never ends.

Target Audience

All those who like to travel and are not only looking for sun and beach, but also experiences in other countries and foreign cultures. All those who do not expect a travel guide but rather inspiration for spontaneous own experiences and adventures, who do not book a package tour but travel individually. All those who dream of faraway places and especially of South America.


Beim Verlag

Bücher von Dr. Erich Schröder

Liebe Erde, dann mach´s mal gut!

Ein Buch für:
Alle, die sich Sorgen um unser Klima und unsere Umwelt machen, aber auch für alle, die sich darüber keine Sorgen machen.

2021 — 111 Seiten

Dear earth, take care!

Ein Buch für:
Everyone who is worried about our climate and environment, but also for everyone who is not worried about it.

2021 — 101 Seiten

Arzt werden

Ein Buch für:
Studierende und Lehrende der Medizin, Ärztinnen und Ärzte und alle, die sich für den Arztberuf interessieren.

2017 — 123 Seiten

Das Haus

Ein Buch für:
Menschen, die sich für das Leben anderer Menschen interessieren, und speziell für Freunde des Autors und seiner Bücher.

2019 — 137 Seiten

The House

Ein Buch für:
People who are interested in the lives of other people, and especially for friends of the author and his books.

unpublished — 123 Seiten

Begegnungen in Peru

Ein Buch für:
Individualreisende, Abenteurer, Träumer, Südamerika-Fans, Fernwehgeplagte

2020 — 145 Seiten

Encounters in Peru

Ein Buch für:
Individual travelers, adventurers, faraway dreamers, South America fans

2020 — 140 Seiten

Über den Autor

Dr. Erich Schröder, Jahrgang 1948, ist Diplomingenieur und Arzt, seit 15 Jahren ist er auch als Journalist unterwegs. Hier sind die wichtigsten Stationen seines vielseitigen Berufslebens:

Daneben hat er zahlreiche Reisen, insbesondere nach Süd-, Mittel- und Nordamerika sowie in die Karibik organisiert und durchgeführt.

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