Dr. Erich Schröder

Arzt und Buchautor

Dr. Erich Schröder

Ein Buch für: People who are interested in the lives of other people, and especially for friends of the author and his books.

Kaufen: Taschenbuch oder eBook

(Direkt vom Verlag BOD)

The Book

Who hasn't ever thought when looking at a building: "If these walls could speak ..."? Surely not only castles and fortresses but also large and small residential buildings hold many fates and secrets within their walls.

Here walls may speak once. An already somewhat older and rather inconspicuous row house in the north of Düsseldorf enters into a dialogue with its much younger owner, the author, in order to fathom its own history. Older documents and especially diaries are consulted for the prehistory and the first decades. The house itself comments on the events from its very own perspective.


The history of the house reflects the changing history of the author's family. Up to four generations of his family lived there at the same time - at times later, however, the author lived alone. The sometimes funny, sometimes touching and often dramatic events and episodes are initially taken from documents and diaries, later from the author's own and very personal experience. The house survived the horrors of the Second World War. Desperation and hope alternated, as did joy and suffering, new life and death, weddings, and divorce, mourning and happiness. And again and again we find love and harmony in these turbulent events. An old house looks back - and hopeful for a new future.

Target Audience

The book describes the very personal story of the author and his family. It is currently not yet released for publication and therefore not available in bookstores. For the time being it is only available to the author's family and close friends.

After a future publication, the book is aimed at all those who feel a connection to the author and his stories, or who are generally interested in authentic biographies from the time during the two world wars and afterwards.


Beim Verlag

Bücher von Dr. Erich Schröder

Liebe Erde, dann mach´s mal gut!

Ein Buch für:
Alle, die sich Sorgen um unser Klima und unsere Umwelt machen, aber auch für alle, die sich darüber keine Sorgen machen.

2021 — 111 Seiten

Dear earth, take care!

Ein Buch für:
Everyone who is worried about our climate and environment, but also for everyone who is not worried about it.

2021 — 101 Seiten

Arzt werden

Ein Buch für:
Studierende und Lehrende der Medizin, Ärztinnen und Ärzte und alle, die sich für den Arztberuf interessieren.

2017 — 123 Seiten

Das Haus

Ein Buch für:
Menschen, die sich für das Leben anderer Menschen interessieren, und speziell für Freunde des Autors und seiner Bücher.

2019 — 137 Seiten

The House

Ein Buch für:
People who are interested in the lives of other people, and especially for friends of the author and his books.

unpublished — 123 Seiten

Begegnungen in Peru

Ein Buch für:
Individualreisende, Abenteurer, Träumer, Südamerika-Fans, Fernwehgeplagte

2020 — 145 Seiten

Encounters in Peru

Ein Buch für:
Individual travelers, adventurers, faraway dreamers, South America fans

2020 — 140 Seiten

Über den Autor

Dr. Erich Schröder, Jahrgang 1948, ist Diplomingenieur und Arzt, seit 15 Jahren ist er auch als Journalist unterwegs. Hier sind die wichtigsten Stationen seines vielseitigen Berufslebens:

Daneben hat er zahlreiche Reisen, insbesondere nach Süd-, Mittel- und Nordamerika sowie in die Karibik organisiert und durchgeführt.

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